EEEN2020 Forum on SDGs and transformative policymaking, 4-5 November 2020

4-5 November 2020

Registration and Call for Abstracts are now open!

The EEEN 2020 Forum welcomes your abstracts for the sessions. Instructions can be found in “Call for Abstracts” section. Please submit your abstract in Webropol by September 27, 2020.

To act as a session chair, please volunteer in Webropol.

Register for the European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum (EEEN 2020 Forum) Online Conference in Webropol by October 23, 2020.

Please note that the event will be hosted online.

More information about registration and submitting abstracts can be found here.

UN Sustainable Development Goals are meant to guide decision-making within and across different policy sectors to tackle the persistent environmental and social challenges of our time. In the European context, many environmental issues are among those sustainability questions that require most pressing action as e.g. the SOER2020 report highlights.

This means that environmental issues can no longer be addressed in isolation and that the interconnections of environmental and social phenomena need to be addressed both in policy making and evaluation.

Sustainability transformations are hindered and promoted by a whole range of policies that do not abide to sectoral domains. This makes policy evaluation increasingly complex both in terms of encompassing mixes of policy goals and instruments within and across sectors, as well as taking into account the long time frames and complicated causal chains linked to transformation.

The European Environmental Evaluators Network Forum (EEEN2020) addresses these challenges by concentrating on the following topics:

  1. Development of environmental evaluation approaches from the SDG and transformation perspectives
  2. Learning from and across (environmentally focused) sustainability evaluations and audits in different settings
  3. Evaluations of sustainability actions in city-level governance, including action within urban settings and by intermediary organisations
  4. Role of evaluation in Agenda 2020 and 2030

Keynote speeches will be delivered by the following speakers:  

  • Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • Jordi Molas Gallart, Research Professor, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
  • Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, Program Director/Research Coordinator, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
  • Stefano D’Errico, Head of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
  • Ortwin Renn, professor at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) will share his views of risk assessment in a special session organised by PEER (Partnership for European Environmental Research)

The Forum is relevant to all who develop, conduct and use environmental policy evaluations or wish to utilize transformative policymaking in solving sustainability challenges. The programme will focus on scientific and practical evaluation knowledge on the implementation of SDGs and policymaking.

More information at the event website.

Organising team of the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE


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